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Learn3 for Institutions

A Fully Functional Online Learning Platform for your Institution
Learn3 offers user validation for your courses and training!

Our platform delivers a complete online learning solution for corporate companies and educational institutions. Create your own corses and content in a variety of mediums available. Exams, Quizzes, Questionnaires, Videos, Presentations, Lives, Conferences, and More! Track the progress and participation of members with our advanced reports system and live-tracker. Make sure every individual is attending their activities using the embedded verification App. Our system assures with certainty using face recognition and geolocation parameters that users will not cheat or share their credentials with someone else.
Create Unlimited Content at anytime for everyone!
Prices for License
Down below a list of options for the right to use our platform.
Up to 30 users


Monthly price per user
31 to 60 users


Monthly price per user
61+ users


Monthly price per user

Need Help and Support?

Prices for Support and Training
Down below a list of options for support and staff training.
Support Plan

Our support plan offers total support for you at any point. From setting up the learning environment to help with users and content. Help with the system management in general is also included and can be requested at any point in your processes.

Price for support only. For monthly usage refer to price per user description.
Staff Training

Training and tutorials for your team. How the system works, how to create content, how to make sure your users are verified and validated are all included in the training.


Precisa de Consultoria em como criar seus cursos de maneira mais produtiva?

Preços para consultoria
Abaixo os preços referentes ao nosso serviço de consultoria para criação de conteúdo.
Plano Acadêmico Plus

Nosso plano de consultoria para criação de cursos e conteúdo oferece acessoria especializada por profisionais da educação com 20+ anos de experiência no mercado. Aprenda como obter melhores resultados através de treinamentos e tutoriais. Como aumentar produtividade e engajamento no mundo atual são tópicos abordados dentro do plano.

Preço referente ao pacote de consultoria. Para demais informações favor remeter as tabelas acima ou entrar em contato conosco.

Have got questions? Get in touch with us